Making a choice to live life as a fully committed, live being, is  the most important decision of a life time. It’s all about high-level fellowship and communion. The power of gathering in response to the relationship inherent in a family is mind boggling. No matter how family responds during times of indifference and growth, they remain unique beings forever bound to who you are.  Caught in contending with past wrongs that hurt and harm you in the deepest of places, robs you of the memories that await that are full of so much joy.

The matter that must be addressed is the future state of your commitment to either forgive or to allow the lingering affect of the pain to dominate and enslave you.  The latter must never be the testimony. Your witness must be a day of reckoning and victory. No matter how dark the path or how retiring your belief in recompense, you are an amazingly effective being with an unspeakable future ahead.


Historically, food was the source that anchored families as they joined hands around a common table-blessed it and gave thanks. It was a time of refueling and being reminded of the grace that moment provided. I can remember waking up to memories of the smell of cheese biscuits… all rich and doughy, and pork chops beside freshly draped molasses on a full plate of breakfast fixings. Then there were the cakes and pies that lit of the room. Food has a way of capturing fond family memories like nothing else. We were not designed to build memories off of wrongs done, but off of the simplest of pleasures of living all of life, like, with family.


The unit that harnesses the power of the metaverse (internet) into its fullest dimensions is the luxury we’ve been given to be a member. There is no conflict in family dynamic enough to break its bonds of steadfastness and commitment to its legacy. Instead, being in fellowship with and communing with family is what awakens our understanding of how truly blessed we are to be in such a fellowship.

When one day ends and another one begins there is an answer. You are not alone. No matter how rocky the path that leads to indifference, family remains. There is an answer to every grievance and there is love enough to cover any wrong, no matter the  trespass.  A wrong forgiven releases you to commune in places that have been waiting for you, all this time.


The bands that bind us and keep us from the very life God has promised is the unfailing promises of unforgiveness.  Unforgiveness is a thief that pillages and plunges with no remorse. It operates within our hearts and minds consistently taunting, and pushing, and daring us to be forgiving. It replays the offense over and over and over again – a reel of continuous replay of a wrong done.

It is our choice to forgive that defeats the voices. Forgiveness overshadows unforgiveness with weapontry of grace applied to a fault that conquers unforgiveness. Forgiveness frees us from a darkness that refuses the light. It’s through its powers we are made thoroughly free – forgiveness dismisses negligence and delivers our heart, mind and soul to a place called rest, an opportunity called “an open door” and a victory called, “your best life”!

One Response

  1. Fueling your day with food, family and forgiveness is the perfect combination to end every day! I know it can be really tough looking past the wrongs of others. But, it has to be done. It is the only way for you to be free and stay free! To build new memories, seek new opportunities, and become everything you were created to be! We can do this…you can do this! Let’s talk about it!

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